IneaSoft OH-42A is an extremely effective pigment print softener with excellent crock resistance. It may be added to the print paste or applied by pad bath after the print is cured. Significant improvement in wet and dry crock may be obtained by either method of application. IneaSoft OH-42A has zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs) so it will not generate or promote smoking at elevated temperatures.
Appearance…………….fluid emulsion
Color………………………off white with blue cast
Specific Gravity ……….1.0
pH (100%) ………………7.0 – 8.0
Viscosity………………….<300 cps
% Solids …………………41–43
Solubility………………….dispersible in water
The suggested starting levels of IneaSoft OH-42A are: 1–3% on weight of print paste
(5% has been used for greater softness)
Or 2–4% on weight of pad bath
No catalyst is needed with IneaSoft OH-42A.
Drying and Curing
Normal drying: 200–250°F (93–121°C).
No cure is required to achieve optimal performance. When used in print formulation, no modifications in processing are needed.