IneaSoft 3635 is a unique, modified reactive silicone concentrate formulated to provide a soft, slick hand of a traditional amino without the typical yellowing properties. It is durable to laundering. IneaSoft 3635 imparts an extremely soft and supple hand on all fibers and fabric types without the usual damaging effects on crockfastness. Dilutions of IneaSoft 3635 will withstand high shear from pumps and cyclones often found in garment processing equipment. To dilute simply add water with mixing to desired solids. A slight amount of warming may be necessary to speed up dilution.
Color…………………………..slightly yellow
Ionicity………………………..nonionic/slightly cationic
pH (5%)………………………4.0–6.0
% Solids……………………..33 – 36
Solubility…………………….dispersible in water
Generally, dilutions of IneaSoft 3635 are applied from a pad bath at 1- 4% owb concentrations depending on the hand desired. Dilutions of IneaSoft 3635 are compatible with resin finishes.